Nike’s 23rd Edition Michael Jordan Limited Edition Shoe Hits Stores for $230

It was balmy outside Walter’s Clothing in downtown Atlanta last week when a line of shoe-lovers formed, all waiting for a chance to buy a $230 pair of Nike Air Jordans. (It was a special shoe, the 23rd release, in their 23rd year of sales and named for Michael Jordan, the Chicago Bulls’ famous No. 23, not to be sold until Dec. 23.)

Temperatures were in the 20s this week when the folks at Walter’s dismissed the line, promising that if they came back Tuesday morning, they’d be the priority buyers. Indeed, the shoes were gone a few minutes after the store opened at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday. Antonio Chaney, a store manager, said that, really, they were gone last Tuesday, when the line formed.

That’s an ugly assed shoe, sorry! I think I saw some $hit just like that at the grocery store!

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